The Adventures of Diddy's Mug

27 August 2006

Good Lord

Poor mug. Poor stupid mug who can't drive a car. It didn't take Diddy's Good Mug too long to get pulled over. In a stolen car. With no driver's license. Or any other ID of any kind.

The cop was none too happy. I mean, holy shit, Diddy's Good Mug doesn't have any arms or legs. How the hell is it going to navigate a vehicle?

At least the cop had somewhere to put the cuffs. Hand cuffs? Nope. Handle cuffs.

So away goes Diddy's Good Mug, off to jail.

19 August 2006

Good Mug Turns Bad???

OK, so it took me two weeks to get down the hill and explore everything the area had in store. At that rate, I'll never reach my goal. But lookie here. I'm in a nearby parking lot, and here's a car with the keys in the ignition.

This could be my only chance. Here I go. Wish me luck.

More Searching

Apparently this town has a long and odd history. Down the hill from the private cemetery is this slave cemetery.

It's not as kept up as the other cemetery, but the sign says the land is protected and there are volunteers who look after things.

So I walked around for a while and didn't feel anything here, either. Oh well. Off I go again.

06 August 2006

Searching for Goodness

It might serve me well to tell you about my intentions. Because of how I was created, and since I am among the Good of the world, I have been instilled with a faith that extends beyond our tangible universe. This faith includes a belief in the afterlife, which I feel compelled to find. Since I am alone and unfamiliar with everything, I will just keep traveling until I find what I'm looking for.

I've been told that a cemetery might be a good place to start. It's among the places on Earth most linked to a belief in the afterlife.

I approached one of the bigger grave markers, or whatever you call them, in hopes of getting inspired. Wow, this guy died a long time ago.

I didn't feel anything from Mr. Pace. I wonder if he's been gone too long to care about Earth people. I tried to concentrate but some human interrupted me. Apparently, this is a private cemetery and I'm not wanted here. I'd like to say I was discouraged, but this was my first stop. I'll keep going.

Diddy's Good Mug