I'm back at the porn studio for the last part of my assignment.
There's too much going on near the main entrance, with gates and cameras, so I will have to shift to Plan B.
A drive around the area leads me to believe I can infiltrate the property from the back, through this fence.
My Global Positioning System will lead me to the correct spot.
OK, I've made it to the edge of the property. This is the guest house, next to the studio. The mansion and main drive are on the other side, so I'll have better luck here avoiding security if I work from here.
I need something to lure Diddy's Good Mug, in case breaking into the studio leads to unforeseen problems. Hoover Daaamn's Mug will work.
Once upon a time, Diddy left her magical wooden mug behind after a long Trash weekend. This is her Mug's incredible story. An incredible journey. Incredible.