No More Condoms
The people in control of Diddy's Good Mug decided she needs to be fucking guys/objects condomless. So she needed a full medical workup for STD's. Yeah, I know D'sGM is a mug, but the porn industry is very strict and requires constant testing of everyone involved. Dr. L.G. Bush administers the tests for many of the industry's players, and was quick in returning the results for D'sGM. It looks like it will be a bareback debut for our heroine.
Sold into Porn
No, this isn't a joke. Diddy's Good Mug has actually been sold to the mega-profitable porn industry in Southern California's San Pornando Valley. It looks like Bubba and the awful SoCal Mugs were in cahoots to make this happen.
Diddy's Good Mug has been turned into nothing more than a hole for a bunch of cum-shooting penises. What a horrific fate for such a kind-hearted soul.
A Good Update
It's been a couple months since we've heard from Diddy's Good Mug. As you can see, D'sGM is currently in California.
But wait, this isn't for fun. Oh shit, what do we have here? Bubba is giving Diddy's Good Mug to some SoCal hashers. I wonder if any money exchanged hands?
And I wonder what the plan is? Knowing the luck D'sGM has had recently, I can't think this is a positive turn of events.