The Adventures of Diddy's Mug

23 July 2006


Hi, you lovely hashers. I'm Diddy's Good Mug. I feel horrible that I ran away, but my evil twin threatened me. Also, I have a goal I'm compelled to bring to fruition. I'll get into that later. Right now, I have to start my journey. I love you all.

17 July 2006

Private Property

Check out that little flood barrier. Lame. It wasn't even CLOSE to a challenge.

And look what I found over the ridge. A gigantic construction site. I stepped all around those wires because I'm not afraid of a little jolt. What could possibly happen? I could turn around and see a third mug next to me? Yawn.

I was also digging it when I was skulking around a site nearby that had a huge crane.

The abandoned lot down the street had a curious building still standing there. It looked locked...

...but was it? Not when a mug as strong as me can force my way in.

Sweet. An antique car wash. I love busting into shit.

12 July 2006


Hey you fuckers. I'm Diddy's Evil Mug. I like fucking and drinking and fucking with stuff. Basically, I'm just like Diddy's original Mug, but without the cute bullshit. Now that I escaped, I'm free to do whatever the hell I want. And right now, I want to go hashing.

Hell yeah, bitches. Check this shit out. Hashing for the aggressive types. Knocking shit down and breaking into private property. I'll just go into this shiggy and see where I wind up. Later, fucktards.

09 July 2006

Gaps in the Story

Let me try to fill in some blanks for you.

The last time we knew where Diddy's Mug Man was staying, it was in Siloam, Georgia to photograph a freaky teen. It was there that Diddy's Mug and her Man read some e-mail they received.

After the photography session, they drove to Macon, Georgia, where the torture session occurred. Apparently, the plan was to then head down to Orlando. But an electrical mishap created two mugs.

Confused, scared and not thinking too clearly, Diddy's Mug's Man talked the two mugs into driving with him two hours north to Atlanta. His secret plan was to get close to one of the world's largest airports, assuming any plan he came up with would involve flying all three of them somewhere, or at least sending the mugs somewhere by themselves. Apparently, one of his ideas was to fly both Mugs back to Diddy and have HER figure out what to do. Not smart, and not nice.

What Diddy's Mug's Man didn't realize at the time was that the Mugs wanted to get on a plane too, but to RUN AWAY to their own unknown destinations. So they were nice on the drive up, but as soon as they got to Atlanta, they became impossible to handle, and all the Man could do was keep them in the hotel. He tried to leave once but found they were trying to escape. When I called, he had spent DAYS locked in the hotel, ordering room service for every meal, combing the internet to figure out what to do. Yeah, like he was going to find a solution for THIS.

I got there and immediately told him to leave for a few days to get his head clear. During this time, I convinced the Mugs that I could help them achieve whatever goals they had if they worked with me. Soon, we were out of the hotel to give housekeeping a chance to finally fix up the place. Everything was fine until we got to the spot where I took that last photo looking out over Atlanta. They both got a taste of freedom and bolted. Yeah, you heard me right. I lost the mugs. Oh crap, I think I'm in trouble.