Hiking in the Mountains

Hi all. It turns out getting internet access while traveling isn't always easy. Here are some pictures of me hiking. It's pretty up there in the mountains, and there's a lot of neat stuff to see.
I don't have a whole lot of time to type at the moment, but I did want to bring up one thing: Apparently Mommy is having some sort of breakdown (or at least was at some point) because she wrote this not too long ago on her blog:
Could my life get any worse?
Ok so my mug is still missing...
I am a violent drunk (not always but recently)...
And other stuff that I don't want to talk about...
And now my car is dying...
Mommy, I'm not missing. I know exactly where I am. Please don't worry. I hope you're doing OK and not beating up too many people. Did me going away start all this? I would feel really bad, although there's not a whole lot I can do about it at the moment. I'm sure if my Man knew you were close to snapping or going postal that he's consider talking to you about giving me back. But he has mentioned that he still has plans for me. And since 1. You left me behind that day and 2. you mentioned at some point you have a replacement mug, it doesn't seem he feels that bad. Yet. E-mail him if you want, Mommy. He's nice. Please feel better Mommy. I love you.
-Your Mug